Top 10 Tips For A Stress-Free Wedding Day

This is crucial to consider because the last thing you want is to be a stress ball on one of the most memorable and important days of your life.

Let’s dive right in to my top tips on how to have a stress-free wedding day.

  1. Focus on you and your fiancé. Remember that this special day you are planning is to highlight your love and union. Even if something goes wrong that is out of your control, take comfort in the love you have for one another and know that at the end of the day, what matters most is having each other.

  2. Ask yourself this important question: What is stressing me out the most? Is this a priority? If not, give yourself permission to let it go. If something isn’t working for you, adapt or change it and move on. But if it is a priority, learn how to manage priorities with this amazing wedding planner. 

  3. Use a wedding Timeline. It's necessary to have everything you may possibly need or consider in one place. A wedding timeline is the launching point, the list to come back to, to make sure the planning is on track and not becoming overwhelming. A good timeline should include every important detail and deadline pertaining to the wedding day.

  4. Decide your budget. This is the crucial step that will set up the entire wedding. It will determine all the decisions and give a great launching point to what is available to you on the wedding day. Once you decide the budget, stick to it! This will give the financial guidelines needed so you don’t have to stress about over-spending. Be up front about your budget to every vendor so they can direct what options to choose to stay within it.

  5. Do vendor research. It is so important to make educated, wise decisions on the vendors selected for the wedding. Making an uninformed decision could cause future frustration or wasted money in the long run. Read the contracts, ask good questions, get vendors through referrals from other friends and family who have used them before. Make sure you trust the people that are helping put on your big day. 

  6. Have a day-of itinerary and delegate tasks. An itinerary is important to make sure everything is completed on the day of the wedding with nothing forgotten or delayed. Delegating is great to ensure tasks get done and the day runs smoothly. Delegating special tasks can also be a wonderful way of including those special people who aren’t in the bridal party but are still special to the bride and groom.

  7. Stay organized! This includes keeping detailed checklists, timelines, calendar appointments, lists of your vendors and contact information, and an updated budget at all times. Also, keep vendor contracts all in one place, easily accessible just in case. 

  8. Have a back up plan. It’s always best to be prepared just in case anything doesn’t go as planned. Things to consider: Unplanned weather, wardrobe malfunction for either the bride and groom or a member of the bridal party, disorderly guests, important people are late, vendors cancel (check the contracts), etc. 

  9. Enjoy every moment! This season of life goes so quickly it will be gone before you know it. Don’t forget to enjoy the little moments, the funny occurrences, and the love between you and your fiancé. Your wedding day can fly by so soak it all in! Savor the memories.

  10. Purchase the Naomi Hill Wedding Planner. Want more help on all these essential steps? This planner dives deep into every hot topic and helps you plan each aspect of the day. It provides ideas, solutions, organizational tools and thorough steps to ensuring your day is stress-free!


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